Chaussée de Wavre / Steenweg op Waver, 1050 Ixelles / Elsene · Porte de Namur / Naamsepoort, SUD / ZUID, Belgium
Matonge (sometimes spelled Matongé) is a district of Ixelles, in the Brussels region, located near the Porte de Namur and derives its present name of a district of Kinshasa, Matonge (former Camp Renkin) located in the municipality of Kalamu.
The area has its roots in the presence near the Maisaf, the "African House" meeting place of African and Congolese students who Belgium had granted scholarships in the late 1950s.
Chaussée de Wavre / Steenweg op Waver
1050 Ixelles / Elsene · Porte de Namur / Naamsepoort,
District: SUD / ZUID, Belgium
MATONGÉ QUARTIER / MATONGÉWIJK, Chaussée de Wavre / Steenweg op Waver, 1050 Ixelles / Elsene · Porte de Namur / Naamsepoort, District: SUD / ZUID, Belgium